X-Men: The Animated Series – Fan Q&A – Submit YOUR Questions!

As you may have heard, from our over joyous posting about SD Comic Fest this year, we were fortunate enough to interview Julia & Eric of the X-Men Animated Series, which was an incredible opportunity and highlight for us!

I liked our interview with them on the CBR Forums in the X-Men: Animated Series Appreciation thread and one of the users on there, appropriately named ChildOfTheAtom had asked that if they’d be up for answering some fan Q&A stuff that we could put on our podcast. I reached out to them and they said they’d be up for it! So if you have an account on CBR, you can post it in the thread I created for the Q&A or go to the Contact Us portion of our page and shoot us an email. Or send us a message on our Facebook page or Direct Message us on Twitter.

So once again – ways to submit Questions to us for the X-Men: Animated Series from 1992 is:

One we have enough questions, we will schedule a time with Eric & Julia to see what we can get answered from the fans of the series!

So please share this far and wide! Let’s gather up as much as we can!



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