ElfQuest Figures.

A recent Tweet I made about the ElfQuest figures were one of the few things decorating my desk recently –

As I mentioned in the tweet, I was so bummed that Series II of these figures which included Skywise, Gutterkraw, Madcoil and Rayek was never released. Someone replied saying only two prototypes were made – and I’d said I had a photo of the others from a Convention (I thought the Pinis were in the background, they were not) – but I found them and figured I’d post them here too:

Now I had thought (when I was searching for these photos) that Series I had already come out; but as you can see these were prototypes of all of the figures. As seen here, Cutter has brown hair (with a note that the hair color would be corrected). The Leetah out of the package has the red scarf, but the proto type in the case had a yellow one; Picknose had some minor changes in his expression (his face). Tyldak’s wings were different – the prototype it’s colored, where as the release has ridges.

But man, I would have loved to have seen the Series II figures released… would still love to.

  • Tawmis
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