probably my favorite Free Comic Book Day Podcast that we have done to date! The previous years, we had the opportunity to interview fellow artists, writers, etc., that had been in the comic book community in one way or another… But this year, we offered up free Funko pins for anyone who sat down with us and got on our podcast. As a result, we got quite a few kids to come on the podcast to talk about their favorite comics, characters, movies! And to me, that was just such an amazing experience. I was a pretty timid kid (back in the days when I had to run from dinosaurs, because I am so old! Not that you’d know it by how I act…) And to be able to be a part of something, where we could have these kids who are clearly passionate about comics (that’s why they’re at Free Comic Book Day!) and come onto our podcast and talk about their favorites – was a very magical moment for me. Very special kudos to the interview master, and my co-host on the show, Maico Moreno, for knocking out these interviews and doing such an incredible job! It was five hours of unedited audio that I had to cut my way through, and clear up dead space, fix audio issues (where some folks were not sitting close to the mic) – but in the end, it was well worth it – and I think we came out with a very magical issue of our podcast as a result of all these wonderful people!
Because we had quite a few interviews, while we were also discussing Marvel’s Captain America: Civil War I broke down the interview start times, in case you want to zip to the part where you (or your kid!) was doing an interview on the podcast. All times listed below are the start times by Hour: Minute: Second. So for example, 00:15:13 would be 15 minutes and 13 seconds into the podcast, and 01:45:10 would be one hour, forty five minutes and ten seconds into the podcast. There’s a known issue with streaming it from the site (below) where the times often don’t line up. So the times are better off if you either download the episode or listen to it on iTunes (it should be correct).
Anyway! Enough of all that! How about I run down the interview times like I promised?
00:07:10 – Ryan
00:18:45 – Conrad
00:21:36 – Liz
00:26:10 – Isias
00:27:40 – Alicia
00:31:23 – Lance
00:34:37 – Mario of Reality Break
00:45:20 – Dean Lecrone / Dr Peepers
00:50:10 – Ryan Of Toy Star Collectable
00:56:25 – Lena
00:59:10 – Lilly
00:59:58 – Adrian
01:01:20 – Christina
01:02:42 – Jospeh
01:08:43 – Kyle
01:10:20 – Halliard (I am probably slaughtering the spelling…)
01:13:18 – Adara (Hope I got that right…)
01:15:20 – Adelina
01:17:10 – Keira
01:18:19 – Nick