Remembering the second episode…

This was when I first came up with the design of Maico and I in front of a ruined city… and it would go on to be something we’d use for the background for quite some time… though the images of Maico and I in front of it changed over time.

In the second episode, we talked about various comic book related movies – both that had been released already or were in the “rumored” pipe works – and this is the episode where I talked (complained?) about the idea of Paul Rudd playing the role of Ant-Man (at the time, I thought it was going to be Hank Pym not Scott Lang… but it didn’t matter). Most of my exposure to Paul Rudd was a movie he was in with Jennifer Aniston (only watched it because she was in it) and the 40 Year Old Virgin – which is a fun movie, but Paul Rudd’s character didn’t fit anything I’d expect to see for Hank Pym or Scott Lang. It’d be a little while later where I was corrected by my wife, that I’d seen Paul Rudd before – as Phoebie’s boyfriend in the television show Friends. But still, Paul Rudd didn’t strike me as a good fit.

And I ate my words. When I came out of the first Ant-Man movie, I said it was my favorite Marvel movie to date. (Still ranks right there near the top).

Our second episode
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