Some time late 2013 (after October) or early 2014, DC Comics was relocated from New York, New York (where it’d been since it’s inception back in 1930) and moved to Burbank, California, to be closer to the parent company, Warner Bros. This, when announced, apparently wasn’t a big surprise to many who worked at DC – it seemed there’d be some rumblings before the official announcement made by DC Entertainment president, Diane Nelson. In 2018, she would eventually resign.
So as employees of DC Comics, who’d lived in New York; some of which packed up and relocated to the other side of the coast for work – life was a drastic change (going from New York to California, is like being in a hot shower and then jumping into a cold pool – in that life and the way things move and work, can be drastically different).
Now, here we are in 2020 – the year of Covid-19 and everything else horrible; and as if that wasn’t bad enough, with everyone struggling – Warner Bros had to make a business decision that would, naturally, impact personal lives. Warner Bros has done “some reorganizing” and by doing so, laid off over 600 people.
Among them, pretty much the entire DC Universe Streaming Service – the fate of those shows? Who knows. Probably go to HBO Max (where some of those shows are already streaming) – so those shows can continue in some way and the actors can continue to be employed…
Surprisingly, at least to me – because he’s a name I’ve always known in comics – Bob Harras was one of those who was “let go” due to the reorganization. At DC, Bob Harras was Editor in Chief. Another big name I saw, impacted was Bobbie Chase. Not impacted, was Jim Lee, who remains CCO at this time. From what I’ve gathered, they’re saying one third of DC’s editorial ranks are being laid off.
It’s a terrible time to be laid off right now; finding a new job in this current, Covid-19 world is next to impossible, as most businesses are on pause; waiting to see when and if this Covid-19 thing comes to an end. My thoughts are with those who have lost their jobs. As someone who has been laid off before, with a company shutting down, I am hoping these people can somehow land on their feet.
Sending them all, much love.
- Tawmis
PS: Wear your mask people. Help stop the spread.