James Hudnall, who I originally heard of from his work on Alpha Flight has passed away. He worked on Alpha Flight between 1987 and 1988 (on issues 63, then 67-86). He’d also done work on Strikeforce: Morituri (between 1987-1988) between issues 21 and 31, which in hindsight, I was probably familiar with; just didn’t pick up on the name back then. It was really Alpha Flight that I noticed who was writing the book, because I was such a big fan of the characters (though the series definitely had it’s ups and downs). He had a pretty extensive history in comics, all together, as well as dabbling in other things (political, cartoons, computer programming).
In 2017, Maico and I had the good fortune of meeting James Hudnall in person at San Diego Comic Fest. I am happy that I managed to take this selfie with James, while we were speaking with him.
James was born April 10th, 1957 and left this world one day before his birthday, on April 9th, 2019.
God speed, sir. And may you be at peace.
– Tawmis